WEED OUT project is funded by the European Commission´s Erasmus + programme. The project started in November 2021 and will lasts for 2 years. This project will design a unique training program and develop the relevant tools for HORECA management to prevent, identify and manage occupational violence. In the case of occupational violence, preventive measures may not eliminate incidents of violent behaviours completely, but they will reduce them considerably and discourage future ones. HORECA is a sector where occupational violence thrives, primarily because it is manned by people with lower formal qualifications or very little training or who come from vulnerable groups of the population such as young people, women with family responsibilities, migrants, or members of ethnic minorities. Workplace violence is a health and safety hazard. All hazards require preventive measures to minimize the risk of them occurring. It is important therefore for HORECA management to know how to effectively defuse any such threat. In business, all these hazards are identified and described within a Risk Assessment Plan which is a part of a wider Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management plan. Most OHS plans, although they recognize Occupational Violence as a risk, they often offer superficial remedies that touch the awareness level. HORECA faces chronic labour shortages, and the current levels of workplace violence may demotivate people to seek employment there. Furthermore, workplace violence has a ripple effect on society, the economy, and the quality of life of the Europeans. There is a need for drastic actions to defuse the situation and reverse the current negative labour conditions in the HORECA sector. People working in the HORECA sector are entitled to have safe and healthy working environments. It is time to "Weed out Occupational Violence from HORECA"!
Project Objectives:
- Enhance the role of VET in the effective prevention and management of workplace violence in HORECA.
- Increase awareness among management and stakeholders.
- Offer HORECA managements training to further develop their Occupational Health and Safety management plans against workplace violence.
- Foster inclusive, healthy and safe HORECA employment.
- Improve the Occupational conditions in the sector to attract more labour.
- Manage the emotional, social and psychological stress of the victims.
- Contribute to a violence-free Tourism and Catering sector in Europe.

Coordinating institution
CZU - www.czu.cz
Czech Republic
Contact person:
Jana Pitrova
About CZU
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague was established in 1906. The large and constantly developing campus offers excellent opportunities for education and research. The institution has almost 25.000 enrolled students who, together with about 1,500 staff (academic, researchers, technicians and administrative workers) form an academic forum.

Partner organization
PASYDIXE - http://cyhma.com/
Contact person:
Polys Kallis
Eleni Asprogenous
The Pancyprian Association of Hotel Managers (called PASYDIXE for the purpose of this project) was founded in 1983 with the main purpose of being a well-organized Organization that expresses the professionalism of its members and promotes the organized protection of the well-understood interests and aspirations of Hotel Managers, as well as hotel executives.

Partner organization
Beneke & Prinzhorn GmbH - www.beneke-prinzhorn.de
Contact person:
Jens Prinzhorn
Sonja Karbon
About Beneke & Prinzhorn GmbH
Beneke & Prinzhorn GmbH is a training and consulting company from Burgdorf near Hanover and was founded in 2018. Beneke & Prinzhorn GmbH is a spin-off of the Society for Fire Protection Training (GFBA) - the leading provider of training and further education with aerial rescue vehicles in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Austria and Switzerland.

Partner organization
DIAS- https://kek-dias.gr
Contact person:
Rita Chatzinikoli
Ilias Kroupis
About DIAS
DIAS is an educational and counseling organization and was founded in 2009 in Karditsa, Greece. The mission is to provide education and training opportunities, counseling, and support to individuals and businesses by promoting excellence and quality in vocational education and adult training.

Partner organization
DEKAPLUS - https://www.dekaplus.eu
Contact person:
Christos Nicolaides
Elina Laouri
DEKAPLUS is a training and business consulting organisation, primarily focusing on the development of competencies and skills of SME management and first-line staff.

Partner organization
SIF- www.lpf.lt
Contact person:
V.Zivile Jonyniene
Vita Krivickiene
About SIF
Social Innovation Fund is an NGO, established in 1994 to ensure gender equality and equal opportunities for all through education and innovations. Nowadays SIF is one of the leading Lithuanian NGO operating in different spheres, such as women human rights, gender equality and equal opportunities, encouraging diversity and promoting the social inclusion of disadvantaged groups.

Partner organization
OUT LOUD - www.outloud.lv
Contact person:
Liga Berzina
Vita Bizika
About Out Loud
Out Loud’s mission is to help families, educational institutions and workplaces deal with challenging behavior. The company works in the health and safety field already for 13 years, mainly in the industrial sector. The company is delivering different pieces of training and methods in dealing with the workplace.
WEED OUT project is funded by the European Commission´s Erasmus + programme. The project started in November 2021 and lasts for 2 years. This project will design a unique training program and develop the relevant tools for HORECA management to prevent, identify and manage occupational violence. In the case of occupational violence, preventive measures may not eliminate incidents of violent behaviours completely, but they will reduce them considerably and discourage future ones.
Project reference number: 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-VET-
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Results
1. Curriculum and Traning Materials
Report on needs assessment - PDF
Course Training Manual - PDF
Module 1: Causes & mechanism of action - PDF / PPT
Module 2: Effects of exposure to workplace violence- PDF / PPT
Module 3: EU & national instruments to combat workplace violence / legal basis - PDF / PPT
Module 4: Gender considerations and intercultural management in understanding occupational violence (1) - PPT
Module 4: Gender considerations and intercultural management in understanding occupational violence (2) - PPT
Module 4: Gender considerations and management in understanding occupational violence - PDF
Module 5: Organizational Factors associated with exposure to various forms of violence - PDF / PPT
Module 6: Conducting Conversations in Challenging Situations - PDF / PPT
Module 7: Training Design: Prevention policies (1)- PPT
Module 7: Training Design: Primary Prevention (2) - PPT
Module 7: Training Design: Secondary prevention (3) - PPT
Module 7: Training Design: Tertiary Prevention (4) - PPT
Module 7: Prevention and management strategies - PDF
PR1/A3 Curiculum - PDF
PR1/A4 Country report - WEED OUT Summary Country Reports- PDF
2. Workplace Violence Prevention and Management
Methodology for identifying and assessing Risk (PR2/A1) - PDF
Workplace Violence Prevention and Management Strategy (PR2/A2) - PDF
Implementation of Corrective Actions, Monitoring and Reviewing Procedures (PR2/A3) - PDF
Trainers guide - Methodology Recognize and act How to play - PPT
Professional print files for the board game
Cut line - PDF
English_Action_BACK - PDF
English_Action_FRONT - PDF
English_Box TOP - PDF
English_Calming down_BACK - PDF
English_Calming down_FRONT - PDF
English_Conversation_BACK - PDF
English_Conversation_FRONT - PDF
English_Thinking_BACK - PDF
English_Thinking_FRONT - PDF